Well, if you write songs, it’s not much different than how you live now, with the exception that you are actively doing something about your songwriting development or career every day that you can.
The Compound Effect
I was recently reading the book “The Compound Effect” by Darren Hardy. His book applies to anything you want to do or be, but the point is daily, incremental changes or work can lead to any dividend or result you want.
Want to be a great songwriter? Want to LIVE as a songwriter? Then you need to do it daily.
If you want to be a songwriter, you need to write, or think about songs, or study songwriting, or read about what other songwriters are doing in the music business especially, or make relationships with other songwriters or artists or publishers...You see where this is going?
You have to make songwriting part of your every day. Each day, each song, each idea, makes you a better writer and keeps you growing.
You Have the Power
It may seem like every minute of every day is filled, but it is not. There is always something you can steal time from: the TV, reading the (mostly bad) news, the times when you mindlessly play that video game. And yes, I know you need it. But you also are reading this because you want to be a songwriter.
You can daily do one thing towards your songwriting, Whether if it’s a fix to a chorus, or an email to a publisher or music company. Do something. Every day.
Be in Motion. Always Move Forward.
Walt Disney has a great quote we use often in our house.
You have to keep motion going. Dieting? Every day there must be a change to your eating and/or exercise. Money issues? Every day there should be a plan to spend less and save more. Want to write songs? Every day you should moving forward with something related to your writing.
The Real Secret
Okay, so here is the real secret to living as a songwriter. Write songs. Then find outlets for your songs. The end. See that wasn’t so hard was it?
Seriously, living as a songwriter means finding a way to involve songwriting in the way you live, make a living, or go about your day. Be a songwriter, even if it brings you NO money, NO fame, NO attention whatsoever. If you can’t be a songwriter under those conditions, then it was never about writing anyway. It was about money, fame, or attention.
Living as a songwriter means working it, getting better at it, and dreaming new ways to do it and find success. Just like you would with anything else.
Sure, Nashville, recording, web sites, social media, mentors, blah, blah, blah. They all may figure in. But the reality is you will be alone back at your home, and have to know how to live daily as a songwriter. And the only one who will do it, and make sure you do it...is you.
Have a great week!
John Eric Copeland is a composer and songwriter (they are kind of different) who when he isn’t composing, helps songwriters, artists, and all creatives be more successful at what they want to do. Find out more at cre8iv.com
Want to take a bold step towards being a songwriter? Check out our new opportunity “Life of a Songwriter IV” at http://www.CreativeSoulOnline.com
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