Monday, December 8, 2014

Transition: An Interview with Christian Songwriter Gene Ezell

An Interview with Gene Ezell, Emerging Christian Songwriter, Chattanooga/Nashville, TN

I’ve known Gene since we worked together as he was deciding to move forward as a professional songwriter. His passion has not waned, and it’s fun to see him at a later stage in life making the move from full-time professor and coach, to serious songwriter getting cuts in Nashville. I think this interview is a great read especially if you are considering a transition to work more at being a Christian songwriter.

How did you get started as a Christian songwriter?

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Eric Copeland is an author, producer, keyboardist, songwriter, and president of Creative Soul Companies. What is Creative Soul? Our main goals are to inform, encourage, and assist Christian creative folks in ministry, no matter where they are in their journey. Thanks for reading! Find out more about us at